So yeah, the whole ‘post in bulk’ plan didnt pan out for me.

I’ve spent this year so far doing a lot of looking inward and reflecting on how my adult life has played out since I graduated college. I’ve been very tough on myself when it comes to reaching independence and establishing myself and I’ve realized I don’t really need to do that anymore. I’ve come very far in the 4 years since I really set off on my own and for the first time I really feel like an adult.

I’m being back to weekly uploads, to finish off Part 1, then ready Chapter 1 for print, and then plan for Part 2. I had no idea it would take me this long just to finish off Part 1, which is supposed to be the shortest of the three parts, but this just means I get to keep doing this for a long time.

This is no longer about ‘making money from my story’, but ‘sharing my story and I hope others find joy in it’. No amount of money could compare to being able to reach others with my work. I wish to do to my readers the same thing other webcomic creators have done to me.

For those of you who have stuck with this story for a while, thank you, and I hope you like where it goes. This year marks 8 years of TWO, and it’s still just starting.